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Writer's picturewendyfermata

Living with a Porpoise

Can it really be nearly October? Do you ever find yourself feeling that the days rush by, the weeks vanish, the months…even the year...?

I find myself these days, as we move into fall, wondering where the summer went. Our neighbor had invited my grandson Jack to come see her classic cars which is his passion; anytime we saw her car on the driveway, that meant she was home, come and ring her doorbell. This past week, after hurrying home from school, Jack came to ask me if we could go to see the cars. So, we did. It was very rushed. He asked all his questions, she was patient, but I was aware we had interrupted her dinner preparations. Day after day, all summer long with no school, we could have gone. Why do things we say we want to do slip out of our thoughts?

They call it procrastination. Sometimes it is deliberate. But often it is just forgetting. And that really comes down to living with purpose. My husband used to call that living with a porpoise.

When I was in my Spiritual Direction training, one of the first things we did was to write a “Rhythm of Life”—to think about what mattered to us in life and then to express that pictorially. This was then to be displayed where it would keep our focus.

I thought carefully of my values, the Scriptures God had given me over the years, the people who mattered to me, and what I wanted to focus on daily, weekly, monthly, even annually.

I wonder how much of that I achieved. One of my monthly goals was a retreat day. Looking back, I can only remember 3 of those!

This year, I decided to compile a new rhythm of life as my focus has changed. I can see my picture from where I sit. Again I must ask myself, how much of what I say is important makes it into my daily life? How can I live daily, weekly, monthly on purpose?

Are you asking that same question?

Rhythm…to me that seems such a gentle, soft inviting word. Eugene Peterson translated Matthew 11:29 as “Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.” Not a “Grit my teeth, I have to”, but a gentle inviting “I get to.”

I am sensing God’s invitation to me to think about what I have made a focus this year, --love--and who will I intentionally bless in the day ahead. For you, does the thought of making a list bring a groan? Does it sound like a task? Or is it a yes…without it, I am going to lose focus again! Can it be living out of the overflow of the Spirit’s presence with you?

Maybe we need a card with a picture of a porpoise? Would that bring a smile to the day?

I have a page with 4 of these porpoises which I will be happy to send you if you would like. You can then make a copy, cut it into quarters, and use one a day. Ask God where He is inviting you to focus. Try just one thing or person and make it very specific. Write it on the card. Put your porpoise where it will catch your eye during the day! Smile with God when you see it.

This day is a gift. Your precious life is a gift. Use it well to bring glory to the God you love.

Email me at for a copy of the porpoises.

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